Flour Tortillas


Preparation30 minutes
Cook time15 minutes
ServingsMakes 12


  • 3 cups of All Purpose Flour
  • 1-1/2 tsp of Baking Powder
  • 1-1/2 tsp of Salt
  • 1/4 cup of Vegetable Shortening, Lard or Softened Butter
  • 1 cup plus 2 Tbsp of Really Hot Water


    1) In a large bowl, add the dry ingredients, stir to mix, then add the shortening and using your hands, mix everything together and make sure to break up the shortening as much as you can into tiny pieces so it can incorporate throughout the dry ingredients well.

    2) Add 1 cup of hot water, mix in the bowl until the dough just comes together, then dump onto your work surface and knead by hand for about 10 minutes, if the dough feels a little dry, add the remaining two tablespoons of water.

    3) After 10 minutes of kneading, your dough should be slightly tacky, really pliable and somewhat smooth. Cut into 12 even pieces (or 14 for smaller tortillas) shape into balls, flatten them slightly, place them in the bowl you were working with earlier, cover with a damp paper towel or kitchen towel and set aside to rest for about 30 minutes.

    4) Preheat a non stick skillet over medium high heat (don’t use a cast iron because in my experience, it gets too hot and the tortillas stick and burn easily) start rolling out your tortillas nice and thin using a rolling pin, cook them for just a minute or so in your hot skillet until lightly blistered on both sides, and once cooked, keep them covered in a kitchen towel in a bowl or tortilla holder. Please watch the video for clear instructions on what your dough should look like and what to look for when cooking the tortillas.

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